Learning Kotlin For Android Development Lynda Download

The Android Developer Challenge is back! Submit your idea before December 2.

We have curated a set of resources to help you become productive with Kotlinquickly. If you're new to Kotlin, we recommend you check out thefollowing resources.


Kotlin is now officially supported by Google as an Android development language. This announcement has been widely applauded by developers, many of whom were already using Kotlin. Learn how to build a simple application with Kotlin and make it your language of choice. This course is designed for new Android developers who want to start with Kotlin. The Show Kotlin Bytecode tool lets you to see the equivalent Java-based code as you learn Kotlin. Download Android KTX. Android KTX makes Android development with Kotlin more concise, pleasant, and idiomatic by leveraging Kotlin language features. Learn more Kotlin-friendly SDK. Welcome to this weekly series of tips and tricks for Android developers. Developing in Android is a constant learning experience. Each week, I'll share a technique that I've used to speed up my own coding, or to make my apps faster, more reliable, or better looking. Some of these tips will focus on an app's user interface. Others on backend.

Setting Up Parse Server On AWS For Xcode And Android; Lynda - Integrating Android Apps with RESTful Web Services; Java Mobile Android Basic Course repost Lynda - Learning Android App Development; Learning Android N Application Development; Advanced Kotlin Programming; Lynda - Android App Development Essentials: Local Data Storage.

Kotlin language

  • Kotlinlang.org: The official Kotlin website.Includes everything from a guide tobasic syntax to theKotlin standard library reference.
  • Kotlin Koans Online:A collection of exercises in an online IDE to help you learn the Kotlin syntax.

Kotlin on Android

  • Get Started with Kotlin on Android: A shortguide to start using Kotlin in Android Studio.
  • Kotlin-Java Interop Guide:A set of rules for authoring public APIs interoperable in Java and Kotlin.
  • Kotlin Style Guide:Google’s Android coding standards for source code in theKotlin Programming Language.


  • Sunflower: Anend-to-end sample app that illustrates Android development best practiceswith Kotlin and Jetpack.
  • Google I/O Android App: The 2018version of the Google I/O app was completely rewritten in Kotlin, and it servesas another great end-to-end Kotlin sample app.
  • Kotlin samples: A collection ofAndroid code samples written in Kotlin.


  • Refactoring to Kotlin:Learn how to refactor your code from Java to Kotlin and what the Kotlin conventions are.
  • Android Kotlin Fundamentals:A codelabs-based course that leads you through the fundamentals of buildingAndroid apps using Kotlin.
  • Paging:Learn how to integrate Paging library components to load list items while auser is scrolling.
  • Room with a view:Learn how to build an app that uses Android Architecture Components.
  • Coroutines:Learn how to use Kotlin Coroutines—a way to manage background threads thatsimplifies code by reducing the need for callbacks.


  • Udacity course:'Developing Android Apps with Kotlin'. Learn to architect and develop Androidapps in the Kotlin programming language using industry-proventools and libraries.
  • Udacity course:'Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers'. Essentials of the Kotlin programming languagefrom Kotlin experts at Google. For programmers coming from Java or other object-oriented languages.
  • YouTube:This search for 'Kotlin on Android' provides a variety of high qualitytechnical talks.
  • O'Reilly course:An 8-hour Kotlin course, 'Introduction to Kotlin Programming,' by Hadi Hariri,a developer at JetBrains. Requires subscription; 10-day free trial available.
  • Treehouse course:'Kotlin for Java Developers' teaches Kotlin with an emphasis on Android.Requires subscription; 7-day free trial available.
  • Udemy course: 'Kotlin for Beginners'teaches Kotlin from scratch. Requires subscription; new student discountavailable.


  • Kotlin in Action: By DmitryJemerov and Svetlana Isakova, Kotlin developers at JetBrains.
  • Kotlin for Android Developers:By Antonio Leiva. One of the first books about Kotlin.
  • Android Development with Kotlin:By Marcin Moskala and Igor Wojda.

More books are listed on the Kotlin site.

Social channels

  • @kotlin: The official Kotlin Twitter account.
  • Kotlin Community: A list of offlineevents and groups from kotlinlang.org.
  • Kotlin Slack: A Slack chat community forKotlin users.
  • Talking Kotlin: A bi-monthly podcast onKotlin and more.

code Codelab-based

Take your Android coding skills to the next level in our free, self-paced Advanced Android in Kotlin training. The course uses the Kotlin programming language and teaches you about notifications, graphics and animations on Android, how to login users, add maps to your apps, and how to properly test your apps. Each lesson includes a tutorial with solution code in GitHub.

directions_runTraining level: Advanced

code Codelab-based

In our free, self-paced Android Kotlin Fundamentalstraining, you learn basic Android programming concepts using the Kotlin programming language, and you build a variety of apps. Each codelab includes a tutorial with solution code in GitHub.

directions_runTraining level: Intermediate

code Codelab-based

In our free, self-paced Android Developer Fundamentalstraining, you learn basic Android programming concepts using the Java programming language. You build a variety of apps, starting with Hello World and working your way up to apps that schedule jobs, update settings, and use Android Architecture Components. Each lesson includes a codelab with solution code in GitHub, concept documentation, and a slide deck.

The Google Developers Training team designed this course.

directions_runTraining level: Intermediate

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code Codelab-based

Take your Android coding skills to the next level in our free, self-paced Advanced Android Development training. The course uses the Java programming language and teaches you ways to expand the user experience, improve app performance, and add features like custom views, animations, and location-awareness. Each lesson includes a tutorial with solution code in GitHub, concept documentation, and a slide deck.

The Google Developers Training team designed this course.

directions_runTraining level: Advanced

Learning Kotlin For Android Development Lynda Download

Android Development for Beginners

videocam Video-based

A free, self-paced series of courses for aspiring Android developers. Learn how to build your first Android app, add functionality to the app, connect to the internet, and set up databases.

directions_walkLevel: Beginner

1. Android Basics: User Interface
2. User Input
3. Multi-screen Apps
4. Networking
5. Data Storage

Android Basics Nanodegree

videocam Video-based

If you enroll in the Android Basics Nanodegree program, you get guidance and help as you work your way through Udacity's beginner courses for Android. This program is a great way to build your first portfolio of apps and earn a Nanodegree.

directions_walkLevel: Beginner

For experienced developers

If you've been coding for a while, we have courses to help you build your Android skills and learn best practices.

code Google Developer Codelabs

Have a spare hour and want to learn a new Android development trick? Each codelab provides a focused, self-contained coding experience that you can complete on your own.

Codelabs are free, self-paced, online modules.

Android Studio

directions_rundirections_runLevel: Intermediate to Advanced

Build Your First Android App in Kotlin

Build Your First Android App in Java

new_releases New! Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers

code Codelab-based

Learn the essentials of Kotlin in this free, self-paced series of codelabs. Whether you’re a Java developer or a programmer in another object-oriented language, this course will teach you the features that have made Kotlin so popular with developers. By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills you need to build your next project in Kotlin.

directions_runLevel: Intermediate

Developing Android Apps with Kotlin

videocam Video-based

Learn to architect and develop Android apps in Kotlin, using industry-proven tools and libraries. Try these Kotlin techniques to create Android apps in less time, with fewer errors and less code.

Learning Kotlin For Android Development Lynda Download Free

This is a free, self-paced course.

directions_runLevel: Intermediate

Android Developer Nanodegree

videocam Video-based

Build a portfolio of projects as you earn your Android Developer Nanodegree. Receive personalized help as you learn the tools, principles, and patterns that underlie all Android development.

All courses are also available individually at no cost.


directions_runLevel: Intermediate

Advanced Android App Development

Kotlin Android Book

videocam Video-based

This free, self-paced course teaches you how to follow Google's app-quality guidelines as you productionize and publish your Android apps.

directions_runLevel: Advanced